10000 Steps a Day until the end of the year


Day 152 – 02/08/2023

I am going to Brazil for my holiday today so I woke up at 5am and took my cases into the office and did some bits to servers and then drove home and continued to work until about 9am when I started cleaning my bedroom ready for my parents to arrive today.

Because I was so focussed on getting my bags to the office to make it easier to get to my bus to the airport this afternoon I forgot all about my weigh-in and only remembered after I had had my McDonalds breakfast treat as I am now on holiday for 2 weeks 🙂

I have to pop to the post office in a bit which is a good thing as I am currently on only 10180 steps and its 9:30 am so a walk to the post office and back should get me to about 5000 steps I think then I can make the rest of the 12500 steps walking to the office and walking from the bus to the airport and around the airport. I also still have a lot of tidying to finish then I can have a sower and a shave then get the bathroom cleaned and I can relax and get into holiday mode!

So I was a bit off with the steps to the post office (now on 4277) and I just got home from the post office so a good chunk added still but not as much as expected.

Day 153 – 01/08/2023

So this morning I woke up at 5 am but my back was really sore and I was super tired so I went back to sleep until my second alarm at 6:30. I then got up a and worked until 12:00 when I went to bed and slept until 2pm as I was feeling horrible, cold and super tired. I then went back to work until about 16:30 when I started cleaning the flat.

My parents arrived about 5pm so I spent some time with them and then at about 18:15 I took the dog for a walk. I couldn’t walk too far or too fast as my back was really sore and it was causing my right leg to go numb! I decided walking to the track wasn’t a good idea so we walked back through town to the house as the nats on the two tunnels were really bad 🙁

We walked 2.67 miles for 5416 steps in 50m 31s so not a bad walk but way slower and shorter than I was planning.

When I got home my parents had organised the kitchen so when they left I organised my bags for my holiday and then swept and mopped the floors in the kitchen and bathroom and then went to bed.

I was short of my 1250 steps for the day but I did manage 10704 steps with over half of my steps coming from the walk with the dog! Although considering I was on just over 1000 steps for the day when my parents arrived I did about 5000 steps in the house cleaning which isn’t bad.

Day 154 – 31/-7/2023

Woke up at 5am and walked to work and worked all day then walked home and I am already on 10807 steps for the day! My back is still really sore and stiff so I am still not 100% but I think I can keep going with the walking challenge.

Unfortunately I am currently – 35723 steps behind my goal of doing 10000 steps a day so I will not be able to make this up in a weekend. To make the steps up I plan to do 12500 steps a day while I am on holiday so by the end of my 10 day holiday I will have done an extra 25000 steps and will be back on target!

To see how I got so behind with my steps here a a daily breakdown:

Day Number Date Steps Done Comments Deficit
1 22/07/2023 8031 In Tiverton and weather really bad -1969
2 23/07/2023 8688 In Tiverton Racing so no time to walk when got home. -1312
3 24/07/2023 7274 Sorting Flat -2726
4 25/07/2023 8889 Worked through lunch -1111
5 26/07/2023 8980 -1020
6 27/07/2023 3594 -6406
7 28/07/2023 2600 -7400
8 29/07/2023 3930 -6070
9 30/07/2023 2291 -7709
Total -35723

I hade my 12500 step target today only just (12548) but its the first time that I have made the target since I started the challenge you thats a win. I have also made back 2500 steps towards getting the challenge back on track!

Day 155 – 30/07/2023

When I woke up this morning my back and neck were really sore and I struggled to walk to the bathroom so I have had to put walking on hold for the day to try and rest and get my back ready to get back to walking tomorrow so that I can get to work! I am also feeling a bit tonselitus-ie so I am hoping that this is the cause of the back and neck issues!

Day 156 – 29/07/2023

I woke up about an hour and a half after my 5am alarm this morning and then in my rush to get out and walk I forgot to put my fitbit back on as I took it off to charge last night and even though I remembered I had to get it when I woke up I forgot to do it and remembered part way through the walk that I didn’t have it on! I now have the fitbit back on my wrist and have done 4 steps since putting it on so far!

My morning walk was painful as my back and left knee were hurting which means that I have been drinking too much Coca Cola and not enough water so I will sort that out today so that my walk tomorrow is more pleasant! According to Strava I walked for 1 hour 17 minutes and covered 4.27 miles or 8,884 steps and gained almost 500ft of elevation on the walk. Basically in the one morning walk I did more steps than I have done any day in the past 7 days and I am well on my way to reaching the 21000 goal for the day!

Day 157 – 28/07/2023

So I couldn’t wake up again this morning so I didn’t walk again as I woke up just in time for work again 🙁 I then worked all day and then went straight to the track so by the end of the day I had only done 2640 steps for the day 🙁 This means that for the next 2 days I need to walk at least 21000 steps a day to get back on track for Monday! To do this I plan to walk up at 5am and walk to the track and back which is basically 10000 steps. I will then tidy and organise the flat a bit before having breakfast at 8am and then going back to tidying and organising again until 12 when I will go for another walk along the 2 tunnels and back which is about 5000 steps then I will do some more tidying before eating again at 4pm then I will chill in front of the TV until about 6pm before going for a walk again to get me to my 21000 step total for the day! Then I will do the same on Sunday but hopefully with a lot less tidying and I should have got the flat in a pretty good state tomorrow so I can chill more on Sunday. In theory it should be pretty easy to get to 21000 steps for the day with all that exercise.

Day 158 – 27/07/2023

I was super tired after building my bed yesterday and from being on call so I slept in until I started work at 6:30 so no walk this morning. I then worked through lunch as well so I didn’t walk at lunch time either. In the evening I had to take a bike to a friend who had bought it off of me so I had to drive to the track as well. When I was at the track I didn’t really ride much as my shoulder was still sore so I didn’t push it. I was really tired so I was in bed by 21:30 as well and only got back from the track at about 21:15 so I didn’t get anywhere near my 10000 step target again today 🙁

I only managed 3594 steps today so another 6406 steps to add to the ever growing deficit of steps to get done over the weekend – Currently stands at 14544 steps to make up over the weekend 🙁 I think that I will have to split the 15000 steps into 2 days and go for 17500 steps a day on Saturday and Sunday this week to make sure that I get the steps done for the week! I plan to wake up early both days as I have a lot of cleaning and tidying to do to get my flat in a state where my parents can stay there while I am on holiday next week as it is embarrassing at the moment!

Day 159 – 26/07/2023

I woke up early again this morning but I was really sore especially my shoulder which was better than last night but still sore 🙁 Because of this and the fact that I was super tired from not getting to sleep too early as I was not able to sleep after riding in the evening, I took longer to get ready this morning so it was after 5:30 when I got out of the door this morning.

I walked the same route as yesterday but this morning was hard going and felt like I was walking through treacle the whole way! Still I got it done and ticked off another 4676 steps off of my total!  Again I walked 2.18 miles in 38m 15s so almost half way to my 10000 steps again!

Day 160 – 25/07/2023

I woke up early (5:00) this morning even though I didn’t sleep well last night, mostly I think due to the amount of coca cola that I drank yesterday!  I am stopping drinking it again today so that should stop soon! I also have to stop getting McDonalds breakfast as the combination of McDonalds breakfast and increased drinking Coca Cola all weekend has meant that my acid reflux is starting to come back which is not ideal so today is my last McDonalds breakfast for the forceable future and the Coca Cola that comes with it is my last Coca Cola too!

I got up with my alarm and got ready and left the house before before 5:15 this morning. I made my usual loop but extended it a bit to walk up the hill in Bloomfield Green to make the walk a little harder. I then walked home again. My knee was feeling a bit wobbly and my legs were really sore from racing at the weekend so I decided not to walk to the track this morning. I walked for 38.35 minutes which covered 2.17 miles and roughly 4614 steps so I am almost half way to my daily 10000 step goal already!

I am planning to walk to the track at lunch time and bring my Dialled Cruiser back to change over the bars and stem so that it is ready to sell so I should get a bunch of steps in walking there. This evening I am going to ride at the track with some friends so I am hoping to get most if not all of the steps that I need to make up done today as I have to stay in the house all day tomorrow as my new bed is being delivered so I will be building the new bed frame once it is delivered and organising my bedroom so I will not have time for walking other than my early morning walk.

So I didn’t get a chance to take lunch let alone walk to the track and back in my lunch break today and then after work I went to the track but hurt my shoulder riding so didn’t walk when i got home either 🙁 The all meant that again I didn’t make the 10000 steps goal let alone make up any of my backlog 🙁

I only made 8889 steps for the day so more than the rest of the week but still another 1111 step deficit for the day 🙁 I now have to make up 7118 steps for the week so far!

Day 161 – 24/07/2023

This morning I was really tired so I slept in and decided to walk to work. I got part way to work and realised that I had forgotten my door card so I walked home and decided to work from home as I wasn’t feeling great anyway. At lunch time I went to the post office and paid some money into my bank so I got another couple of thousand steps in as well. Nowhere near as many steps as I would have walking to work and back but over 5000 steps already.

After work I started cleaning my flat and cleaning out my axolotls and waited for my shopping to be delivered so I didn’t have a chance to go walking again today. I only managed 7274 steps for the day so another deficit of 2726 again for the day so tomorrow I need to make up 6007 steps to get on track! 

Day 162 – 23/07/2023

I didn’t have the best nights sleep last night as I was on the side of the hotel by the car park and I was right above the entrance to the hotel so there was quite a bit of noise into the early hours of the morning so I got woken up at least 3 times during the night 🙁 This meant that I woke up later than planned so I didn’t have time to get a walk in before going to the track to race. I did do quite a lot of walking round the track and to and from the hotel. Also when I got home I had a lot of sorting to do so I didn’t have time to go for a walk when I got home either so I only got 8688 steps in for the day so I have another 1312 steps to make up during the week. In total I have another 3281 steps to make up during the week now 🙁

Day 163 – 22/07/2023

I literally decided to restart my 10000 steps a day challenge this morning. It is currently 9:30 am and I am currently at 248 steps so far so I have a lot of steps to do before I reach my target for the day. I am currently weighing 107.4kgs so I have put more weight on since my weigh in on Wednesday (106.7kgs so +0.7kgs) so this highlights the need for this challenge as I have been exercising a lot for the past few days!

In the afternoon I drove to to Tiverton and booked into the hotel as I am racing tomorrow. Unfortunately, it was super wet and raining so I only got 8031 steps today. Its not a massive deal as I got over 8000 steps which is the minimum recommended for weight loss from walking. I will make the extra almost 2000 steps (1969) during the week to make sure that I average the 10000 steps a day by the end of the week.



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