10000 Steps: Day 1.10 – Steps done Early!
I woke up at 5:30 this morning and got up and I was out of the hose around 6am as it took me ages to find my she my son had put them in an under bed container for some reason??? When I was looking for my shoes I found my Son’s Beanie and headphones that he needed to go to school this morning so I walked around town this morning and dropped them to his house on route.
Once I had met my son and given him his stuff, I took the scenic route home along the canal and river so my walk was almost 6 miles this morning as you can see from the route on the left I was also walking for 1hr 40 minutes as well. This walk equated to 12427 steps so I am well above my 10000 target today and making up for the last 45 days where I hardly walked at all!
My knee was feeling much better and was pain free until I over stepped going down the slope to walk along the river and my knee hyper extended and gave way 🙁 It was OK walking home but is really sore again now!
I think that it will be ok to ride on later today but I will see later. I have all of my body armour in the dryer at the moment so can’t ride until that is dry and I have finished setting up the FTB to ride today as I don’t like riding the Curtis when its to wet!
I am currently raising the handle bars, changing the cranks and gearing and sorting the brake out as it is currently rubbing and then the FTB will be OK to ride.
I finished the day with 17711 steps so smashed the 10000 step target for the today!